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brown rice artinya

contoh kalimat "brown rice"
  • brown:    brownian; coklat; perang; warna coklat; cokelat
  • rice:    beras; nasi; padi; varieties of rice; rice; elmer
  • brown rice tea:    hyeonmi cha; teh beras merah
  • rice:    beras; nasi; padi; varieties of rice; rice; elmer leopold rice; elmer rice; elmer reizenstein; sir tim rice; timothy miles bindon rice
  • brown:    brownian; coklat; perang; warna coklat; cokelat (warna); warna perang; cokelat; mencoklatkan; terbakar matahari; pirang; merah; tyoklat; kecoklat-coklatan; memerang; universitas brown; brother; john
  • arborio rice:    beras arborio
  • bale of rice:    karung beras
  • boiled rice:    nasi
  • claypot rice:    nasi ayam periuk tanah
  • cook rice:    masak nasi
  • cooked rice:    nasi
  • cultivated rice:    padi
  • curd rice:    nasi dadih
  • curry rice:    nasi kari
  • deepwater rice:    padi tahan banjir; padi apung
  • But I'm on brown rice and mineral water.
    Tapi aku akan makan nasi cokelat dan air putih.
  • It is different from brown rice.
    Beras tersebut berbeda dari beras coklat.
  • It is mostly made from brown rice and commonly unsweetened.
    Minuman tersebut kebanyakan terbuat dari beras cokelat dan umumnya tanpa pemanis.
  • Could Germinated Brown Rice Feed The World ?
    Bisa Germinated Brown Rice Gebang The World?
  • Yuzu Glazed Salmon with Brown Rice Risotto
    Salmon Bergerlis Limau Yuzu dengan Risotto Beras Perang
  • Cerelac Brown Rice Infant Cereal with Milk by Nestlé
    Bumbu Kuliner Nusantara Nasi Goreng Kambing Khas Jakarta
  • Made with Rice, Pea, Hemp, and Brown Rice proteins
    Dibuat dengan Rice, Pea, Hemp, dan protein Brown Rice
  • Made with Rice, Pea, Hemp, and Brown Rice proteins
    Dibuat dengan beras, kacang, rami, dan protein Brown Rice
  • No added natural brown rice nutrition juice
    Tidak ditambahkan jus nutrisi beras merah alami
  • Terrasana Udon genmai brown rice spaghetti 250g
    > Foods>Foods (general)>Lima Agar Agar Powder 12g
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • unpolished rice retaining the yellowish-brown outer layer